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How to create sched…

How to create scheduled reports and where to go to turn them on/off/edit?

If you are inside of any report or list, and you see an export option in the top right corner, you have the ability to turn whatever piece you are looking at into a scheduled report. What you will want to do is find “Export” and click on the icon that looks like a piece of mail. When you hover over this icon you’ll see “Create Email Report.” Click here. You’ll then get a pop up asking what data file format you would like the report to come through (CSV, Zip File, etc), select which email addresses you would like to receive the report, and then select the time schedule (daily, weekly, what day, time, etc). To view what scheduled reports your brand currently has setup, go to Account Information>Scheduled Reports on the left hand menu. Here you will be able to turn any of the scheduled reports off or back on, and make edits.

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