Stopping Unauthorized Amazon Sellers

Amazon is the largest internet marketplace in the world. According to the company, its online store has more than 300...

(2 ratings)
431 students
Last updated February 8, 2022

Amazon is the largest internet marketplace in the world. According to the company, its online store has more than 300 million active customer accounts worldwide. And according to research firm Marketplace Pulse, Amazon had 2.3 million active sellers as of 2020. In fact, in 2020 alone, the marketplace added roughly 1.1 million additional retailers—a pace of 3,464 new sellers every day, or 2 sellers joining the marketplace every minute.

The size of this marketplace, and the ease with which a retailer can sell products there, also make Amazon a tempting outlet for rogue retailers looking to sell products without the brand’s permission. These rogue Amazon sellers—we’ll also refer to them as “unauthorized 3Ps” (third parties) throughout this course—can create significant problems for brands.

Even if you haven’t yet faced this problem, if your company sells through a resale channel, you will definitely want to build a plan to help prevent the distribution-chain leaks that can lead to unauthorized 3Ps getting their hands on your inventory and selling it on Amazon. Here at TrackStreet, we find this is one of the most serious challenges facing the many companies that approach us for brand protection help.

In this course, we’ll discuss the threats posed by these unauthorized Amazon sellers, the common scams they use to acquire your inventory for resale, which measures will and won’t work to stop them, and best practices for preventing these problems in the first place.

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TrackStreet is a MAP, UPP, Authorized Dealer, and Resale Policy platform, which enables you to clean your sales channels and drive growth online and off. TrackStreet leverages artificial intelligence and automation technologies to relentlessly monitor and reduce brand, MAP, and resale pricing violations, enabling explosive multi-channel growth for many of the most recognizable and respected brands across a wide gamut of industries.

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  • Jack February 16, 2022

    Account Executive

    This was very informational, and it will no doubt add to my professional expertise!

  • giuliana.hejtmanek April 13, 2022

    I learned a lot about Amazon!

    Great course, learned a lot!
    Quizzes could be a bit more difficult and longer to really verify that the knowledge is sticking.

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